202Creates Showcases D.C.’s Creative Economy

August 26, 2019

The initiative is led by Angie Gates, director of the Office of Cable Television, Film, Music and Entertainment. September is the designated month of celebration, but there are ongoing programs to support local creatives.

Tech Tip: Don’t Send Your Private Information to Anyone

Always be vigilant and proactive. It’s better to be suspicious and double-check everything when dealing with confidential information.

Tech Tip: Back Up Your Data to Protect Your Business

August 19, 2019

Downtime doesn’t have to be permanent to cause major problems. Even temporary downtime can be detrimental to your business’ prolonged existence.

Tech Tip: Why Do I Need a $900 Firewall, Plus a Maintenance Fee?

August 12, 2019

Unlike a router, a firewall actually looks at all internet traffic passing through it to make sure it’s legitimate, not a virus, and was requested from a computer inside.

Will Local Businesses Be Hit Due to Ross’s Trump Fundraiser?

August 8, 2019

Billionaire Stephen Ross is holding an upcoming fundraiser in South Hampton, N.Y., for President Donald Trump. The seemingly typical event has raised eyebrows — celebrities’ included — because of Ross’s […]

The Homegrown Terrorism of Mass Shootings

August 7, 2019

Today there are 31 people dead, who woke up Saturday morning not knowing they wouldn’t make it through the night. But when all the names are named, let’s not call them victims. Let’s call out their names. 

Tech Tip: Lie, Lie, Lie!

August 5, 2019

People list password challenge and identity verification questions publicly (or at least freely) on their Instagram, Twitter and Facebook pages and feeds without giving it a second thought.

A Parade of Presidential Candidates

August 1, 2019

In our columnist’s opinion, what’s most impressive about both sets of debates was essentially the Democratic Party’s calling card, warts and all.

Tennis Star, 15, Stuns at Citi Open

July 29, 2019

Record crowds arrived on center court at Rock Creek Park Tennis Center to watch stunning wins in two qualifying matches by 15-year-old Cori “Coco” Gauff.

Maureen Dowd Party Trashed on Twitter

The dust-up concerned the New York Times columnist’s July 24 party at her N Street home for Times colleague Carl Hulse and his new book.