At OSS Gala, McRaven Honored, Defends Nation’s Spying

January 17, 2014

The OSS Society honored Adm. William H. McRaven, commander of U.S. Special Operations, the mastermind behind the raid to get Osama bin Laden, at its annual William J. Donovan Award Dinner Oct. 26 at the Ritz-Carlton in the West End.

The OSS gala is a unique Washington event, where old spies and young silent warriors gather to tell stories and recognize today’s achievers — and where national intelligence and covert actions are seen as high service to the nation.

The OSS Society is dedicated to those who served during World War II in the Office of Strategic Services, predecessor to the Central Intelligence Agency and U.S. Special Operations, and honors the memory of legendary Gen. “Wild Bill” Donovan, OSS founder.

Where else do you have nine toasts at the beginning of dinner? To the commander-in-chief, our allies — and the last, being “to the ladies.” How about applause for Ernest Hemingway who drove into Paris with OSS forces in 1944 and his love of martinis? Or for Marlene Dietrich, whose recordings were broadcast by the OSS during World War II? Even closer to home, why not have a menu inspired by Julia Child who worked for the OSS and lived briefly in Georgetown?

Retired Maj. Gen. Victor J. Hugo, Jr., master of ceremonies for the dinner, told attendees at one point to sit down or they’d be shot — the program was long but full of gratitude and history. Among the awards, the 99-year-old Fisher Howe toasted Julia Child and her “genuineness.”

Marlene Dietrich was honored for our work during World War II, recording melancholic songs to demoralize German troops. It was fine for her international fame, she said, to be used “as a weapon against evil.” Her only child Maria Riva was on hand to salute her as did the entire ballroom and a swing band. In a heartfelt speech, Riva recalled preparing to leave France before the growing Nazi threat: “America’s freedom is never more apparent than when you flee and need her to house you.”

CIA Director John Brennan said that he was “humbled” to give the keynote speech. He noted that he and McRaven were both longhorns from the University of Texas. It is a time of “greater need for intelligence,” Brennan said, as he looked out at “the excellence and professionalism in this room.” Intelligence and special operations are back together “like the OSS.”

Brennan spoke of McRaven, whose dissertation was on special ops and who earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism, leaving pre-med and accounting behind — and then chose the “comfort and ease” of being a Navy SEAL. McRaven, Brennan said, called the Osama mission “sporty.” It was the integrity of McRaven — “We can get the job done.” — that convinced President Obama to proceed with the raid, he said. McRaven is a decent as he seems, Brennan said, “not just a hero but a good guy.”

After video tributes by Leon Panetta, Robert Gates and Obama, the presentation of the Donovan Award by retired Major Gen. John Singlaub, McRaven launched into a well-prepared speech. “The OSS is back,” he said. Not since World War II have intelligence and special operations meshed so well, he said, especially since the attacks of September 11 and the aftermath. He gave a long list of the different talents required for special ops, the different devices and different languages involved. Harking back to previous threats, such as fascism and communism, McRaven said, “Today, we are fighting extremism of another type, a medieval mindset that doesn’t recognize any civility. It is international, and it is a threat to our global humanity.”
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Meridian Ball Sets a Record

Enjoying the full moon over the Linden trees in the back terrace on Oct. 18, more than 850 global leaders attended the 45th Annual Meridian Ball, setting a new attendance record for this landmark event in the nation’s capital. The ball got some heavy hitters involved: Congressional co-chairs Sen. Roy Blunt and Abigail Blunt and Rep. John Delaney and April McClain-Delaney; honorary sponsor Ambassador Capricia Penavic Marshall, former Chief of Protocol of the United States; ball chair Dalia Mroue-Fateh, founder & CEO of Salt Productions LLC; corporate chair Christophe Navarre, chairman & CEO of Moët Hennessy; White-Meyer chair Britlan Malek; and Young Professional co-chairs Frances Holuba and Jaclyn Mason. The 2013 Ball was generously supported by presenting sponsor Moët Hennessy. [gallery ids="101508,151139,151138,151134,151125,151130" nav="thumbs"]

Mark Twain Honor for Burnett

It was a love fest at the Kennedy Center Sunday, a magical red carpet ride, a fun and funny night out with the stars, with the biggest star among many—Carol Burnett, 80 and getting younger—receiving the center’s Mark Twain Prize for American Comedy. Old friend Julie Andrews lauded her, Tony Bennett serenaded and younger comediennes showed up to acknowledge a comedic debt to the queen of television, stage and film. [gallery ids="101509,151123,151120" nav="thumbs"]

‘Doing the Lord’s Work,’ Biden Says of Ministry Center

When the vice president stops by your party, you know you’re taken it to a new level. Vice President Joe Biden and Jill Biden were at the historic home of Brooke and Stephane Carnot on Oct. 17 for the 2013 Spirit of Georgetown to honor Page Evans for her years of unyielding support for the GMC and the homeless people it serves. As a close family friend, the vice president acknowledged Page as “doing the Lord’s work” and said the “Evanses think about what they can do for someone else.” GMC board president Jocelyn Dyer thanked Washington Fine Properties and the many other donors who raised $92,000 for services for the homeless in Georgetown. Page spoke modestly of “helping others and having fun.” [gallery ids="101510,151118,151115,151091,151096,151099,151103,151108,151111" nav="thumbs"]

American-Russian Cultural Foundation 2013 Annual Gala

This year’s gala “Friends in Time of War” chaired by Susan Carmel Lehrman, which celebrated the 150th anniversary of the Russian Navy’s goodwill visits to New York and San Francisco, took place at the Embassy of the Russian Federation on Oct. 7. Ambassador Kislyak paid tribute to The Hon. James Symington by awarding him “The Order of Friendship” for supporting American-Russian relations. The evening was highlighted by the musical mastery of Igor Butman and Wynton Marsalis, “Russia’s and America’s finest cultural ambassadors,” who jammed to a rapt audience far past the normal Monday night Washington bedtime. [gallery ids="101516,150857,150876,150861,150865,150870,150874" nav="thumbs"]

2013 DC Vote Champions of Democracy Awards Gala

On Oct. 9, Mayor Vincent Gray and Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton attended the annual gala hosted at the Mayflower Hotel by DC Vote, a national educational and advocacy organization. ?Honorees Mary Ann Stein, DC Veterans and Representative Jose E. Serrano (D-NY) were recognized for their dedication to fulfilling the promise of democracy. Mayor Gray noted that the federal shutdown only served to magnify the ramifications of District disenfranchisement. “The District of Columbia is not a federal agency,” Mayor Gray declared to applause “and we’re not asking anybody for federal money, we’re simply asking for the authority to spend our own dollars.” [gallery ids="101518,150830,150838,150835" nav="thumbs"]

Capricia Marshall Honored by Cultural Tourism DC

On Oct. 15, Shahin Mafi, Chair, 2013 Embassy Chef Challenge, and Tim Cox, Chair, and the Board of Cultural Tourism DC held at cocktail buffet in honor of Ambassador Capricia Penavic Marshall. Jan Du Plain, Embassy Liaison, Reagan Building and International Trade Center, and the evening’s emcee, said President Obama had “hit a home run in selecting Marshall for Chief of Protocol.” Ambassadors of Lichtenstein, Botswana, Mexico and Mauritius said “thank you for all you do for all of us,” “you made us feel welcome” and “each of the 192 ambassadors thought Capricia liked them the most.” Ambassador Marshall thanked Shahin for “opening up her heart” and her home. [gallery ids="101519,150829,150826,150822" nav="thumbs"]

Hope & Progress Gala

The Oct. 19 Hope & Progress 13th Annual Gala at the Four Seasons raised funds for the New Sibley and Cancer Programs at Sibley Memorial Hospital. Michael Farr, Chairman of the
Sibley Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees, emceed the program with Niloofar Razi Howe and David Howe as Gala Chairs. Council Members Mary Cheh and David Catania attended the event. Executives of Wilmot Sanz Architecture Planning, which is “transforming Sibley,” were among the guests who enjoyed a cocktail reception, dinner and dancing to Odyssey. [gallery ids="101520,150820,150818,150813,150797,150801,150806,150810" nav="thumbs"]

Washington Concierges Gather at Tony & Joe’s for 30th gala

Mardi Gras beads were the order of the evening as the Washington Area Concierge Association celebrated its 30th annual gala at Tony & Joe’s at Washington Harbour on Aug. 19. The weather was perfect, as guests enjoyed a plentiful array of the restaurant’s specialties along with signature cocktails and other libations. There were boat tours, auction and raffle items and the assurance that 100 percent of the proceeds raised would benefit the John B. Campbell Hospitality Scholarship, Les Clefs d’Or and the Washington Animal Rescue League. [gallery ids="101443,153724,153720,153727,153705,153710,153715" nav="thumbs"]

Washington Women and Wine’s Fifteenth Anniversary Celebration

Washington Women and Wine (WWW) co-founder Karen McMullen gathered “a lot of women and a few good men” at Brian Voltaggio’s Range on Oct. 21 to recall 15 years of dinners, networking socials, wine excursions and international trips. NBC News 4 Anchor Wendy Rieger, an active WWW member, emceed the evening as she had the group’s first event. The gourmet canapés and several courses were paired with wines selected by Advisory Board Member Suzanne McGrath, proprietor of the Curious Grape in Shirlington. The group has visited France twice and will travel to Northern Italy next March. [gallery ids="118724,118728,118735,118702,118709,118717,118741" nav="thumbs"]