Washington Women and Wine

January 17, 2014

Karen McMullen, a co-founder of Washington Women and Wine (WWW), chose Nick’s Riverside Grill in the Georgetown Harbour to host a “Farewell to Summer Waterfront Networking Social” on Aug. 27. WWW brings a cross section of the business community together monthly to network and enjoy fine food and wine. The group’s 15th anniversary will be held Oct. 21 at Bryan Voltaggio’s Range. In addition, WWW will enjoy its third international trip, journeying to Northern Italy, next March. [gallery ids="101445,153681,153674,153678,153669,153687,153686" nav="thumbs"]

A Tribute to Albert

On Sept. 7, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Bahrain Houda Nonoo hosted a dinner buffet and program honoring the late legendary photographer Albert Francis Mogzec. For over 50 years “Albert,” as he was known to all, covered the international and diplomatic community. Jan Du Plain emceed a program of speakers including Ambassador of Bulgaria Elena Poptodorova; Patricia Elwood, who presented a special message from Mayor Vincent Gray, and Albert’s musician grandson Jeremy Carlstedt, who said Albert considered the diplomatic corps his “other family.” This would have been Albert’s 85th birthday. It was Ambassador Nonoo’s as well and Jerome Barry led the guests in “For She’s A Jolly Good Fellow.” [gallery ids="101446,153656,153668,153661,153664" nav="thumbs"]

Saying Farewell to ‘Man About Town’ Bob Madigan

Bob Madigan was saluted by his legion
of media pals and friends wearing sequined
bowties at Carmine’s in the Penn Quarter
for an afternoon reception on Jan. 11 as he
leaves 50 years on the air to head for Maine.
Tommy McFly heralded Madigan’s support of
nonprofits, restaurateurs and his many good
deeds before leading a vocal tribute “with
apologies to Billy Joel,” as “She’s Always A
Woman To Me” was revamped to “Bob, Man
About Town To Me.” Lyrics included “Fifty
years on the air have gone by in a flash. There’s
a hammock that’s calling him and his cat Max.”
It was a well-deserved heartfelt appreciation of
a special friend. [gallery ids="101599,147216,147210,147205,147201,147225,147232,147197,147229,147220" nav="thumbs"]

Russian Ball Reinvents Itself

January 16, 2014

The Russian Ball reinvented itself this year. Without the presence of Prince Alexis and Princess
Selene Obolensky there were few familiar faces but the princess would be pleased that the hope she
expressed last year that “the young people will continue the ball” was realized. A young attractive
crowd more attuned to social media than presentation at court gathered in the elegant rooms of the
Cosmos Club Jan. 11. Proceeds benefited Russian American Community Services. [gallery ids="101598,147239,147242,147245,147233" nav="thumbs"]

Choral Arts: An Enchanted Christmas

January 9, 2014

The Holiday Concert and Gala of the Choral Arts Society of Washington was held at the Kennedy Center Dec. 16. Olwen Pongrace was gala chair, and the Ambassador of Italy and Mrs. Bisogniero served as honorary patrons, as 2013 is the Year of Italian Culture in the United States. The program in the Concert Hall fittingly highlighted music from Italy, including traditional Christmas carols as well as music of Andrea Gabrieli and Salmone Rossi, who wrote scared Hebrew texts in the Baroque style. The Children’s Chorus of Washington, under the baton of Joan Gregoryk, performed selections from Benjamin Britten’s “A Ceremony of Carols,” composed during a perilous Atlantic crossing during World War II. Guests rose to acknowledge the many invited military families. Artistic director Scott Tucker led the audience in several carols, including an Italian verse to “White Christmas.” Post-performance festivities included a silent auction and reception followed by dinner and dancing at the Roof Terrace level. [gallery ids="101582,147895,147869,147873,147879,147883,147888,147893" nav="thumbs"]

Georgetown Jingle

January 6, 2014

The sixth-annual Georgetown Jingle was held at the Four Seasons Hotel on Dec. 11. The event, which benefits Georgetown University Hospital’s Pediatric Oncology Programs, highlighted 13 young cancer “Patient Ambassadors” currently receiving care. JDS Designs, Inc., Four Seasons Hotel and the Washington Design Center sponsor the Jingle which has raised $1.7 million for Georgetown Pediatrics. Event chairs Cynthia Bruno and Tamara Darvish with design chair Michael Roberson headed the family fundraiser, featuring the CVS/pharmacy children’s workshop, DC Magazine Sports Lounge, an ice palace, tastings from D.C. metro restaurants as well as entertainment by Ski Johnson and Pamala Stanley. Themed holiday trees and vignettes created by the area’s top designers were on display at the hotel, Nov. 30 through Dec. 12. They were offered for sale in advance at a fixed price or were auctioned to the highest bidder during the event’s silent auction. [gallery ids="100435,114348,114287,114339,114331,114297,114323,114315,114307" nav="thumbs"]

Georgetown Jingle

The Georgetown Jingle, held at the Four Seasons Hotel on Dec. 15, confirms that there is a Santa Claus, or in this many headed by Event Co-Chairs David Herchik, Richard Looman, Tim Ragan, Joe and Cynthia Bruno. Rehoboth-based Blue Moon provided entertainment, food and beverage. The event benefits Georgetown’s Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center. In the words of Aziza Shad, MD, “The new state-of-the-art Pediatric Blood and Bone Marrow Transplant Unit will forever be a tribute to your years of hard work and support.” The hotel was resplendent with 18 holiday-themed trees and vignettes plus designer Alexa Hampton’s mantel in the hotel lobby with proceeds from sale donated to the Cancer Center to which the Georgetown Jingle has raised more than $1.5 million.

An Evening with Opera Star Elizabeth Futral at the National Museum of Women in the Arts

The National Museum of Women in the Arts (NMWA) Founder Wilhelmina Cole Holladay welcomed guests to the 2013 Fall Benefit with special recognition of Mary Mochary and Artistic Director Gilan Tocco Corn for their support of the Shenson Chamber Music Concerts funded by the evening’s program, chaired by Barbara Kapusto. The special concerts highlight emerging and established women musicians and composers. Internationally acclaimed soprano Elizabeth Futral accompanied by pianist Myra Huang presented a pre-dinner operatic program. In accepting the Award for Excellence in the Performing Arts, she said it was a great honor and continued “I don’t feel worthy, but I’ll take it. Without further ado let’s eat.” [gallery ids="101593,147434,147439,147429,147442,147447,147450,147457,147455" nav="thumbs"]

Sacred Foods of Italy

Les Dames d’Escoffier gathered for a holiday luncheon at Al Tiramisu restaurant near Dupont Circle on Dec. 7 to showcase “Sacred Foods of Italy.” Dame Amy Riolo partnered with Al Tiramisu chef/owner Luigi Diotaiuti to lead a gastronomic journey culminating in an elegant buffet of “sacred” foods. Their remarks shed light on culinary traditions that date from antiquity and pre-Christianity to modern times. Luigi is one of the chefs participating in the Department of State’s Diplomatic Culinary Partnership, a cross cultural exchange through food partnering with the James Beard Foundation to bridge other cultures as “everyone speaks the language of food.” [gallery ids="101592,147458" nav="thumbs"]

Ambassador of Italy’s Reception at Villa Firenze for Choral Arts

On Dec. 5, The Ambassador of Italy and Mrs. Claudio Bisogniero, as the Honorary Patrons of The Choral Arts Society of Washington’s 33rd Holiday Concert and Gala, An Enchanted Christmas, hosted a special reception at their residence Villa Firenze. Guests enjoyed Italian cuisine by Executive Chef Roberto Grazioli. Ambassador Bisogniero introduced a short presentation featuring ten members of the Choral Arts Chorus conducted by Artistic Director Scott Tucker. The audience joined in English and Italian choruses of “Silent Night” in honor of the Year of Italian Culture in the United States. [gallery ids="118507,118519,118525,118512" nav="thumbs"]