Love Letters from Georgetowners
By February 8, 2023 0 1949
Compiled by Robert Devaney and Kate Oczypok
Ah, love. There’s nothing better, right? Before you can disagree with us, check out these “love letters” from area Georgetowners who are long-term lovers and companions. Learn how they met, what makes them click as a pair, and what their most romantic spots are in the neighborhood.
As we receive more Love Letters from Georgetowners, we’ll add them to this story. Thanks for contributing and Happy Valentine’s Day!
Samar & Will Langhorne
Where and how did you meet?
Will and I met at Tryst in Adams Morgan. I had just arrived in D.C. three months prior and Will was in his off season from his racing circuit. He asked me what book I was reading and the rest is history!
What sparked your love and how do you maintain your relationship?
First, we were drawn to each other’s sense of goofiness. Will has a fantastic sense of humor. As we learned more about each other we realized we shared so many of the same visions and values including our interest and commitment to social justice and human rights and that passion has gotten us closer together.
There are so many ways we maintain our relationship. One of our favorites is continuing to have exciting experiences that take us out of our comfort zone and give us more things to talk about, including discovering something new about each other.
What is the most romantic spot in Georgetown to you and what’s the most romantic thing you two have done?
Our favorite romantic spot is Apéro, but L’Avant Garde is also quickly becoming our favorite spot too. We have a lot of romantic moments, but I would say our most favorite romantic moment is something that we still do, which is getting on Will’s motor bike and going for a long ride ending with dinner at our favorite fast food place, Burger King!
Leslie & Paul Maysak
Where and how did you meet?
We met at our very small college in Vermont.
What sparked your love and how do you maintain your relationship?
I was attracted to Paul’s wit and humor in our ethics class, and we both worked at the school library. Our first dinner date included finding a place that was showing the Redskins game (not so easy in Vermont!) He still makes me laugh after 35 years and counting.
What is the most romantic spot in Georgetown to you and what’s the most romantic thing you two have done?
La Chaumière can’t be beat for romance! We’ve enjoyed many Valentine’s dinners at neighborhood spots over the last 20-plus years, but one of the best was certainly our first as a family of four in our new home in 2007.
Elizabeth Miller & Dan Sallick
Where and how did you meet?
My husband and I met at a meeting on Capitol Hill. It was a meeting that he had inadvertently not invited me to. I had called him and was very incensed demanding to attend and cautioning him not to make such an oversight in the future. When I walked into the meeting and saw my tall, handsome, intelligent, hard-working husband I regretted my tone on the phone. The first email I ever received was from him after that meeting asking me to hang out with some friends and listen to music the next weekend. We’ve been together ever since!
What sparked your love and how do you maintain your relationship?
I’m not sure there is any secret to a long and happy marriage. We try to be very kind to each other and make our marriage a priority. We talk a lot on the phone throughout the day. We like to spend time with our children, see art and hike and we’re always deep into some TV show together. I guess at the end of the day, we’re committed to each other and love each other. We follow the old saying, “we are just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other.”
What is the most romantic spot in Georgetown to you and what’s the most romantic thing you two have done?
The most romantic spot in Georgetown has to be the wild gardens behind Dumbarton Oaks. Originally designed by Beatrix Farrand, they are very natural and organic, but also planned with beautiful meadows, waterfalls, paths, and spectacular flowers in the spring and beautiful leaves in the fall. We love to walk back there with our dogs and children and daydream about second homes, vacations, art and architecture. The Dumbarton Oaks Conservancy Gardens are the perfect place for a picnic and a bottle of wine on a beautiful spring day.
Kishan Putta & Divya Swamy
Where and how did you meet?
Divya and I met 15 years ago at (not kidding) Love Cafe on U Street!
What sparked your love and how do you maintain your relationship?
Learn from your mistakes and miscommunications! Think and talk about missteps, be honest, and be appreciative and understanding — and give Divya stargazer lillies when Kishan messes up (too often!)
What is the most romantic spot in Georgetown to you and what’s the most romantic thing you two have done?
Watching the sun set from the docks of the Washington Canoe Club at the end of Water Street.
Gwen Lohse & James Assey
Where and how did you meet?
The first time we met, a friend brought James to a party at my D.C. apartment; I wondered: Who is this tall Southern guy in the bowtie? The second time we met, we were both living in the same apartment building but rarely ran into each other; he was living with his sister, which my roommate and I decided was adorable. Years after this, it was Christmas day in Rome. We were traveling with our families and ran into each other on a little side street. He emailed me soon after, saying we shouldn’t need to be in Italy to see each other. The rest is history.
What is the most romantic spot in Georgetown to you and what’s the most romantic thing you two have done?
It is always romantic to take a walk in Georgetown together. In the winter, sitting by the fire at La Chaumiere is lovely.
Christi & Andy Cline
Where and how did you meet?
We met 26 years ago working together in Charlotte, North Carolina. Now we run a business together.
What is your secret to years-long success?
First, lots of laughter! Second, we both love to do a lot of things with each other, but we also have had many outside interests. We both have different hobbies — and if I’m happy and he’s happy, we’re all happy!
What do you think is the most romantic spot in Georgetown?
Lovers Lane leading to Dumbarton Oaks Park.