Tech Tip: Make This Password Unlike All the Rest

February 8, 2021

You know you’re guilty of it: using the same password for everything. And yes, it’s annoying to try and remember all those passwords. But read on.

Happy Days Are Here Again … in the Next Georgetowner

February 4, 2021

The Georgetowner’s next print issue, appearing Feb. 10, will celebrate the new administration, as well as Black History Month and Valentine’s Day.

ANC Revs Up Over Speed Limit Issue

At ANC 2E’s monthly meeting last Monday, a lively discussion broke out about two longstanding issues: speed limits and large truck traffic in residential areas.

BID Proposes 5,000 Feet of Streatery Decking

February 1, 2021

The pilot project will come under review of the Old Georgetown Board, as well as the District Department of Transportation’s public space committee, on Feb. 4.   

Tech Tip: Set Up Bank Alerts Now!

Many banks will send you an email alert whenever money is withdrawn from your account via check, debit card or transfer.

Tech Tip: Work Computers and Devices Are Only for One Thing …

January 25, 2021

If you’re using a company device to access a compromised account, you’re opening up a door to a hacker — who can then get into your company’s network via your email or PC.

Tech Tip: Don’t Use Public WiFi Until You Read This …

January 18, 2021

Whether it’s at the coffee shop, hotel or airport, the temptation to check email and surf the web is just too strong to resist.

Tech Tip: The Dangers of Dropbox and Other File Sync Apps

January 11, 2021

Over seven million Dropbox accounts have been hacked, giving cybercriminals a path into the networks of the companies these users work for and with.

ANC: Former Latham Hotel Site Is ‘Blighted Property’

January 7, 2021

The fenced-in construction site at 3000 M St. NW, with a tower crane that spins around in the wind, has tried the neighborhood’s patience for years.

Kitty Kelley Book Club: David Rubenstein’s ‘How to Lead’

January 4, 2021

The Carlyle Group co-founder is capitalizing on his television show by publishing some of his interviews. This volume features 15 men and 15 women he deems as exemplifying leadership.