Tech Tip: What to Do Before You Go to Starbucks

January 4, 2021

Make sure your IT department or provider is encrypting and backing up your data and has installed remote monitoring software on all mobile devices.

ANC Monday: New Officers, Jelleff Center, Decks for Streateries

On tonight’s agenda: Public Space Application by the Georgetown BID for the Placement of Wood and Composite Decks in Curb Lanes at Sidewalk Grade with Barriers at 22 Locations.

Next Print Issue of The Georgetowner: Jan. 13

December 28, 2020

The theme of our next issue will be Outlook 2021, featuring stories on what’s ahead in politics, business and the arts as the post-pandemic world begins to take shape.

Tech Tip: Remove That Unwanted Freeware

PC manufacturers LOVE to stuff your brand-new PC full of “free” applications. You’ve got a slim chance of getting one without a side of spamware.

Mayor Issues ‘Holiday Pause’ of Activities

December 21, 2020

D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser encouraged residents to exercise extreme caution during the holiday season to keep the spread of COVID-19 from getting worse. 

Tech Tip: If You Installed It, You Must Update It — Right Away!

As soon as a known vulnerability is announced, hackers get to work to figure out how to use the vulnerability to access those users who are lazy about installing updates.

Meetings on BID Proposal to Extend Use of Streateries, Dec. 21

December 17, 2020

The Georgetown Business Improvement District has designed two sidewalk extension platform prototypes on M Street — at Bodega in the 3000 block and at Clyde’s in the 3200 block.

Plans Progress for Open-Air Market at Georgetown Gateway

December 14, 2020

The triangle where M Street and Pennsylvania Avenue converge was the longtime site of a gas station, demolished in 2018 when developer Anthony Lanier bought the property.

Tech Tip: Bookmark the Legitimate Websites You Frequently Visit

All you have to do is accidentally fat-finger one letter in a website’s URL and up pops a very legitimate-looking fake copy of the site you were trying to get to.

State of Retail — Open: 252 Georgetown Stores, Restaurants. Shop Local for the Holidays

Now is the time for us to shop local and support our retail businesses and restaurants — especially during the holidays. Here’s an interactive map to tell you what’s open.