Tech Tip: Is It Time for Cybersecurity Planning

December 17, 2018

There are great resources out there for businesses that just don’t know where to start with cybersecurity, and the time to make plans is now.

Georgetown Gondolas: They’re Baaack!

December 13, 2018

Everything changed when Amazon’s Jeff Bezos announced that the mega-retailer’s massive East Coast headquarters would be divided between a site in Queens and a site in Arlington County.

The Berliner Opens: First 100 Get a Free Beer

Owner Omar Popal is emphasizing the 4,200-square-foot beer hall — in one of Georgetown’s last original warehouse spaces — and the Berliner’s chef, a sausage-making whiz. 

Yuletide in Full Swing With Santas in Town

December 10, 2018

Alive with people and traffic and illuminated by the light-art installations of “Glow,” Georgetown is easily one of the most charming places during Christmastime for walking, shopping and dining.

Tech Tip: Should My Computer Be Encrypted?

With the drive encrypted, a thief can’t just pull it out, hook it up and suddenly have access to all your files. At least you’ve made it pretty hard to get to your data.

Tech Tip: New Quarter, New Password

December 3, 2018

Maintaining separate passwords, and changing them at least every three months, is a lot of work, but the cybersociety we live in demands it.

DC Chamber Lunch and Learn, Nov. 29

November 26, 2018

Rachel E. Ferebee, marketing solutions specialist at Page Global Organic Cyber Solutions, will present on the topic of “Bridging the Gap,” discussing 21st-century business issues.

Tech Tip: Do You Allow Guests to Access Your WiFi Network?

If you give out your password, you’re practically opening the door for anyone to come in and steal private information and infect your private computers.

The Looming Student Debt Apocalypse

November 23, 2018

Education-related debt impacts more than 44 million of us, who owe a total of $1.5 trillion, making the burden of education the country’s second-largest debt after consumer mortgages.

Keith Lipert: The Gift Master

November 21, 2018

“What we have in Georgetown is unique,” says Keith Lipert. “I don’t think there is another store like mine in the world.” The thoughtful, stylish Lipert just might be correct. […]