Georgetown BID Hires 2 New Business Development Professionals

January 10, 2022

Georgetown’s Business Improvement District (BID) – a commercial tax-funded non-profit business development organization responsible for numerous projects from streateries and widened sidewalk platforms (that may be a model for the […]

DDOT Turns Down Synagogue’s Request for Bollards

The Kesher Israel Congregation of Georgetown at 2801 N St. NW has requested support from the city for security bollards to protect their synagogue. A bollard is a short post […]

D.C.’s First Snow of 2022 Is a Wet Kiss

January 3, 2022

The wet snow of Jan. 3 took the Washington area slightly by surprise — the forecasts lived up to their panicky prediction. The early morning brought little but some cold […]

Crime: GU Observatory Vandalized, Gun Wielder Threatens BID Employee

Regarding crime related activity, 2021 was an eventful year. Fortunately, the District’s men and women in blue have stayed on top of the situation by vigilantly safeguarding our streets 24/7. […]

Trio of Fires Hits Georgetown on New Year’s Day

On the morning of New Year’s Day in Georgetown, three separate fires broke out within a thirty-minute time frame and a half-mile radius.  The first was reported at 6:40 a.m. […]

New D.C. Laws: Living Wage, Leaf Blower Ban, Plastic Utensils

January 2, 2022

From the Office of the Mayor: D.C. residents are reminded of several new laws going into effect on January 1, 2022. Living Wage In accordance with the Fair Shot Minimum Wage […]

Omicron Surge Shutters 5 Smithsonian Museums

December 30, 2021

As the Omicron variant has spread alarmingly throughout the District, the Smithsonian Institution – suffering a shortage of support staff to serve the public  –  has announced temporary closures of […]

Hark! What Craziness Crosses Our Transom? 

December 27, 2021

A rich assortment of unsolicited potential content comes across a newspaper’s transom each day — much of it well-intentioned, but silly.   Of course, the news business couldn’t survive a day […]

Business Ins: Bakeshop, English Rose Garden, Yo Yoga

December 20, 2021

Last week’s Business Ins & Outs focused on a big out: the closing of the Gap store on Wisconsin Avenue. This week, there’s more positive news of businesses that have […]

With Omicron, G.U. Cancels Events, Moves Finals Online

December 16, 2021

On Monday Dec. 13, DC Health announced the first four confirmed cases of the Omicron variant in the District of Columbia. One was reported to be at Georgetown University — “a community […]