Animals Blessed, Given Medals at St. John’s

October 2, 2017

After a brief service on Oct. 1, at which St. Francis medals were bestowed on the newly blessed canine faithful, treats were distributed both to four-footers and two-footers.

Weekend Round Up September 28, 2017

September 28, 2017

October arrives Sunday, along with Glen Echo’s Then & Wow! family day and the Blessing of the Animals in Georgetown at St. John’s.

Hot Tickets!

Bring on the autumnal coolness, O Muses, and if it please you, let us go to galas that are stunning, graceful and happy. And let us be at ease, meeting […]

Overheard at Lunch: D.C. Gossip Girl

D.C.’s Own ‘Real World’? Vice Studios is casting for a reality TV show in which 18-to-45-year-olds will live in close quarters in D.C. The draw, according to the Hollywood Reporter, […]

Light of Healing Hope Foundation Feted at the German Embassy

September 27, 2017

On Sept. 19, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany Dr. Peter Witttig and Mrs. Huberta von Voss-Wittig hosted a reception to honor The Light of Healing Hope Foundation.  The […]

In Series “Magic Flute” Director’s Salon

On Sept. 13, In Series, whose motto is “opera and more,” held a season kick off at Casa Italiana to preview its upcoming production of “The Magic Flute” at the […]

ADL Honors Jack DeGioia

At the Four Seasons Hotel Sept. 18, the Anti-Defamation League presented Georgetown University President John J. DeGioia with its 2017 Achievement Award, the highest award bestowed by Washington, D.C.’s ADL, […]

Freer Ready for Its Return

A special preview of top supporters of the Freer-Sackler gathered Sept. 14 to celebrate the mid-October reopening of the Smithsonian’s Freer Gallery — “where Asia meets America” — as it […]

Hoedown on R Street

Toe-tappin music from a two-banjo, one-fiddle, one-bass band greeted some 200 guests in jeans, plaid shirts and cowboy boots at the Stroud Foundation’s fourth annual hoedown fundraiser Sept. 16 for […]

2501 Debuts in West End

The 2501 Residences on M Street — at 2501 M St. NW in the West End, two blocks from Georgetown — got to show itself off Sept. 21 with a […]