‘A Mighty Woman With a Torch’: Bastille Day at French Ambassador’s Residence

July 15, 2021

It could not be more fitting for the Embassy of France to unveil a beautiful miniature replica of the Statue of Liberty which will greet visitors as they enter the […]

At Last, Georgetown Canal Boat Is Home

July 12, 2021

Over the weekend, a precious shipment arrived near Fletcher’s Boathouse at the C&O Canal and Canal Road. Two halves of the canal boat –– a contemporary take on a historic […]

C&O Canal Boat to Arrive Sunday (We Hope)

July 8, 2021

“We are hopeful the boat will arrive in Georgetown on Sunday,” Georgetown Heritage Board Chair Jennifer Romm told The Georgetowner today. The arrival is the long-anticipated C&O Canal Boat is […]

Now Online: D.C.’s Parking Permit System

July 6, 2021

Parking headaches? Here’s some relief. Residents in need of parking spaces for their guests and workers will now have streamlined systems on hand, according to the District’s Department of Transportation. […]

Georgetown Parking Myths: The Never-Ending Story

June 20, 2021

The Georgetowner’s June 16 article — “Busting Myths About Georgetown Parking”  — generated numerous calls and responses from the residents of Georgetown. Concerns about parking in D.C.’s oldest neighborhood are almost […]

D.C. Commits $250 Million to Create Careers, Support Workers in D.C.

June 14, 2021

More than $250 million dollars has been committed by Mayor Muriel Bowser in her “Fair Shot” fiscal 2022 budget to attract new business and to help recovering D.C. businesses and […]

Weekend Round Up: June 10-13

June 10, 2021

Summer is now in full swing and many museums and venues are starting to reopen. This weekend, get out and about and enjoy some jazz at the Kreeger Museum, dancing […]

C&O Canal Boat Expected to Arrive July 8

June 3, 2021

The reopening of Georgetown and the city continues apace, and things are speeding up. Already to the delight of passers-by at the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal, Georgetown’s crown jewel, yes, […]

In Mayor’s $17.5 Billion Budget: $30 Million for Jelleff Rec, $3.5 Million for Ellington Field

June 1, 2021

The word on the budget is out. Georgetown representatives, parents and youth who use the popular but aging Jelleff Recreation Center, Boys and Girls Club and public outdoor pool at […]

The Last Gentleman: Sen. John Warner 

May 27, 2021

Five-term Republican Senator from Virginia, John Warner, 94, passed away Monday at his home in Alexandria, due to a heart problem. Born and raised in Washington, D.C., Warner attended St. […]