Police Raid Mr Nice Guys Again

February 3, 2020

On Jan. 18, for the second time in three months, a CBD smoke shop in Georgetown was raided by police in SWAT gear.

Tech Tip: What to Do Before You Go to Starbucks

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. So make sure you’re engaging your IT people to encrypt and back up your data.

Top Business Ins & Outs for 2019-20: Part 2

January 29, 2020

The retail and restaurant mix of Georgetown and nearby neighborhoods keeps churning, sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly and sometimes surprisingly. Here are some of the top business “Outs” of recent note […]

E-Scooters to Be Corralled

January 27, 2020

Three corral locations in Georgetown are on the list: near the corners of N and Thomas Jefferson Streets, 33rd and M Streets and 26th and P Streets NW.

Business: Bagels, Papyrus, Veronica Beard, Contemporaria

In this retail round up: a letter from Deborah Kalkstein, owner of hip, avant-garde furniture store Contemporaria, which will be moving out of Georgetown by the end of next month.

Tech Tip: Remove That Unwanted Freeware

Clutter is the enemy of a speedy PC. If you’re not using a particular software on a regular basis, it’s best to remove it completely.

Streetcar to Georgetown Kaput

January 23, 2020

The project was not included in any of the District Department of Transportation’s 2020 budget requests in a 600-plus-page document DDOT submitted to the District Council this week.

Tech Tip: If You Installed It, You Must Update It

January 21, 2020

Once a known vulnerability is announced via a patch, hackers get to work like crazy trying to figure out how to use the vulnerability and access those users who are lazy about installing updates.

Top Business Ins for 2020: Part 1

January 15, 2020

The retail and restaurant mix of Georgetown and nearby neighborhoods keeps churning, sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly and sometimes surprisingly.

Annabelle Opens Friday, Replacing Nora’s

January 13, 2020

Ashok Bajaj worked closely with restaurant designer Martin Vahtra of Projects Design Associates of New York on the reputed $6-million renovation of the former Restaurant Nora.