D.C. Council to Be Majority Women, Majority Black

November 5, 2020

Tuesday’s election had some expected wins in Washington, D.C. — Joe Biden, Brooke Pinto, Vincent Gray — and a few surprises, such as a win for Christina Henderson.

Extra Precautions Against Crime, Possible Violence in Georgetown

November 2, 2020

Memories of the violence in May and June, when stores were pillaged in the aftermath of Black Lives Matter protests against abusive policing, have made businesses wary.

Grabbing Ward 2 Voters’ Last-Minute Attention

October 29, 2020

Early voting venues in D.C. opened on Tuesday, Oct. 27, with dozens of poll workers and monitors to supervise social distancing and remind voters they had to wear masks. 

The Georgetowner Endorses …

October 14, 2020

Here they are: The Georgetowner Editorial Board’s endorsements for President of the United States, District Council members and advisory neighborhood commissioners.

CAG Annual Meeting: Remote, But ‘Better Together’

September 24, 2020

Normally held in May, the annual meeting of the Citizens Association of Georgetown, at which new officers are introduced and plans for the new year shared, instead took place virtually on Sept. 22. 

Virtual Meetings from Dumbarton House: CAG Tomorrow, Colonial Dames Wednesday

September 21, 2020

The Citizens Association of Georgetown will hold its first virtual annual meeting on Sept. 22. Also coming to you from Dumbarton House: a Colonial Dames of America event on Sept. 23.

GOP Candidate for Ward 2 Council Seat Drops Out

September 10, 2020

On Sept. 10, Katherine Venice, a self-identified “reformer of capitalism” who is virulently anti-Trump, formally removed her name from the Nov. 3 ballot.

ANC 2E Monday: Pinto, 3000 M, Frat House, Foxtrot

August 28, 2020

On the agenda: a resolution regarding construction of a eight-story mixed-use building at 3000 M St. NW, among other projects.

Brooke Pinto’s ‘Business Perspective’

August 10, 2020

As the youngest District Council member ever elected and the first woman to represent Ward 2, Democrat Brooke Pinto, 28, is off to a running start.

D.C.’s 2021 Budget: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly 

July 15, 2020

A new tax on advertising approved by the District Council will add injury to insult for small local newspapers and other media outlets.